Background :
There are many untrue/misleading communications made in documents and online about ME that, until now, have been unanswered by ME.
I have put together this ‘Statements of Certitude” to serve as my answer to these untrue/misleading communications.
I also encourage you to so your own due diligence as well.

Statements :
1. Any reference to the Law Society of Ontario Suspension: I was administratively suspended in 2016 from the practice of law in Ontario by the Law Society of Ontario (Law Society of Upper Canada) because I refused to give files of my clients over to them pursuant to some type of ‘investigation’ they were doing. My client files WERE, ARE AND ALWAYS WILL BE PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL, and I will not provide my client’s information to any governing body without some kind of court order forcing me to do so. The states of New York and Michigan bar associations are aware of this administrative suspension in Ontario. I am currently licensed and active to practice law in Michigan and New York in good standing.
2. Any reference to Lawsuits against ME or involving 1PLUS12: I am a service provider to 1PLUS12. 1PLUS12 is an exemplary company providing members with numerous benefits. They have many clients, and some of these clients (a small group) are unhappy with 1PLUS12 for one reason or another. That (unhappy clients and/or complaints) is just part of being in business. These unhappy clients filed lawsuits against ME and/or 1PLUS12 and named me. My opinion and prediction is that these lawsuits are frivolous and will fail in the Courts. Further, my opinion is that a small group of people in the background (lets call them ‘bad actors’) are conspiring together to injure and defame my name, my business, my livelihood, and the same for 1PLUS12 and its owners, and they (these bad actors) will be brought to justice.
3. Any reference to OSC/OPP or any other Investigations: Because of the lawsuits and the ‘bad actors’ referred to in statement 2 above, there are investigations concerning ME and 1PLUS12. As with the lawsuits, my opinion and prediction is that these investigations will fail and fade away.
I really relate to the following comment posted on a website I was browsing called “Translators Café”. SO TRUE, SO TRUE.
People are going to say what they want about you, your goals, or your dream. So, let them. Tune them out. Some will rain on your parade because they don’t have one. Larry Winget, author of People Are Idiots and I Can Prove It , clearly proves this concept in his book. Some people will be idiots and try to get in your way, block you, guilt you, pull you down, and [step on] your every positive effort and move. It is in your personal power and attitude to defy and silence the barking dogs of the present and the ones in the past that perhaps pop up from time to time……
My Commitment to YOU: If ANYONE wishes to speak to me regarding any of the untrue/misleading communications about me they come across, please email me at and I will set up a telephone conversation with you to discuss whatever it is you want to discuss.
Thank you for reading/listening.
Jonathane Ricci